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Procedure of Setting the Industry Fees


Industry fees for manufacturers and importers are set so that the net financial result of USAD would equal to zero. In deciding on industry fees, the board shall be guided by the following principles:

  • equal industry fees for all manufacturers and importers,
  • industry fees are differentiated for different types of packaging by estimating and considering the collection costs and revenue generated for each type of packaging.

Each financial year, the Board shall review the industry fees and decide on their level. The Board sets the industry fees in accordance with the approved industry fees setting rules. In doing so, it shall consider:

  • the volume of packaging planned to be released by manufacturers and importers and their expected collection,
  • projected income from the not-withdrawn deposit,
  • estimated revenue from the sale of secondary raw materials,
  • the industry fees of the collection costs for the sellers and the planned compensation costs for the sellers,
  • other costs of the deposit system related to the collected packaging administration, collection, transportation, and other preparation for processing and transferring to processors,
  • planned costs of public information and education,
  • prior year USAD financial results (profit or loss);
  • changes in operating conditions: changes in the legal framework and economic situation, recommendations of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, other relevant internal and external factors.

In exceptional cases, the industry fees may be further revised for the current fiscal year, but not more than once per fiscal year. Industry fees are revised if there is a significant change in planned operating and financial results of USAD.

Industry fees are audited annually by independent auditors to ensure transparent system operation and fair, objective, and financially reasonable industry fees for manufacturers and importers. The audit is performed in accordance with international standards of auditing and accounting ethics and the Law on Auditing.

The main purpose of such an audit is to assess whether USAD objectively and correctly allocates revenue and expenses by type of packaging and to obtain the auditor's conclusion and opinion on the reasonableness of the industry fees applied to manufacturers and importers. Any discrepancies found shall be are considered and, if necessary, adjusted.

Independent auditor's report and financial report on the allocation of revenue and costs by packaging type for 2023